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Junlang Chen

Time:Dec 14, 15:56    Click:

JunlangChenreceived Ph. D. degree from East China Normal University in 2015. Now, he is an associate professor, and is the tutor of optical engineering master. His major research fieldsfocus on the interactions between carbon nanoparticles and biomolecules. He presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published more than 20 papers, which were included in SCI.

His representative papers are as follows:

[1]Junlang Chen*, Guoquan Zhou, Liang Chen, Yu Wang, Xiaogang Wang, Songwei Zeng.Interaction of Graphene and its Oxide with Lipid Membrane: AMolecular Dynamics Simulation Study.J. Phys. Chem. C2016, 120, 6225

[2] Songwei Zeng, Jianzhong, Guo, Feng Zhou,Junlang Chen*.Molecularsimulations ofconformation change andaggregation of HIV-1 Vpr13-33on graphene oxide.Sci. Rep.2016, 6, 24906

[3]Junlang Chen*, Liang Chen, Yu Wang, Xiaogang Wang, Songwei Zeng.Exploring the Effects on LipidBilayer Induced by Noble GasesviaMolecular Dynamics Simulations.Sci. Rep.2015, 5, 17235

[4]Songwei Zeng, Liang Chen, Yu Wang,Junlang Chen*.Exploration on the mechanism of DNAadsorption on graphene and grapheneoxide via molecular simulations.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2015, 48, 275402.

[5]Yu Wang, Liang Chen, Xiaogang Wang Chaoqing Dai,Junlang Chen*. Effects on lipid bilayer and nitrogen distribution inducedby lateral pressure.J. Mol. Model.2015, 21, 120

[6]Junlang Chen*, Liang Chen, Yu Wang, Shude Chen.Molecular dynamicssimulationsof the adsorption of DNA segmentsonto graphene oxide.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2014, 47, 545401

[7]Junlang Chen, Xiaogang Wang, Chaoqing Dai, Shude Chen, Yusong Tu*.Adsorption of GA module onto graphene and graphene oxide: A molecular dynamics simulation study.Physica E. 2014, 62, 59

[8] Wenqiang Lin, Bin Xu, Liang Chen, Feng Zhou,Junlang Chen*.Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Adsorption of Bisphenol A on Graphene Oxide.Acta Physica Sinica.2016, 65, 133102

[9] Liang Chen,Junlang Chen,Guoquan Zhou, Yu Wang, Can Xu, Xiaogang Wang. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Permeation of Bisphenol A and Pore Formation in a Lipid Membrane.Sci. Rep.2016, 6, 33399

[10]Bin Xu, Wenqiang Lin, Xiaogang Wang, Songwei Zeng, Guoquan Zhou,Junlang Chen*.Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Effects of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on Lipid Bilayer,Chinese Physics B,2017, 26, 033103

[11] Zuosi Yu;Yiyi Gao;Xiaogang Wang;Guoquan Zhou;Songwei Zeng;Junlang Chen*.Comparison of Adsorption of Proteins at Different Sizes on PristineGraphene and Graphene Oxide.Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 31, 85

[12]Songwei Zeng,Junlang Chen, Xiaogang Wang, Guoquan Zhou, Liang Chen*, Chaoqing Dai*.Selective Transport through the Ultrashort Carbon NanotubesEmbedded in Lipid Bilayers.J. Phys. Chem. C2018, 122,27681

[13]Junlang Chen, Dangxin Mao, Xiaogang Wang, Guoquan Zhou, Songwei Zeng, Liang Chen,Chaoqing Dai*, Shangshen Feng*,Encapsulation and Release of Drug Molecule Pregabalin Based onUltrashort Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.J. Phys. Chem. C2019, 123, 9567

[14]Dangxin Mao, Xiaogang Wang, Guoquan Zhou, Songwei Zeng, Liang Chen,Junlang Chen*,Chaoqing Dai.Manipulating the Flipping of Water Dipoles in Carbon Nanotubes.Chin. Phys. Lett.2019, 10, 103101

[15]Yiyi Gao, Dangxin Mao, Jun Wu, Xiaogang Wang, Zhikun Wang, Guoquan Zhou,Liang Chen,Junlang Chen*,Songwei Zeng*.Carbon Nanotubes Translocation through a LipidMembrane and Transporting Small Hydrophobic andHydrophilic Molecules.Appl. Sci.-Basel. 2019, 9, 4271

[16]Junlang Chen*, Fangfang Dai, Lingling Zhang, Jing Xu, Wei Liu, Songwei Zeng, Can Xu, Liang Chen*, Chaoqing Dai*. Molecular insights into the dispersion stability of graphene oxide in mixed solvents: Theoretical simulations and experimental verification.J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2020, 571, 109

[17] Dangxin Mao, Xiaogang Wang, Guoquan Zhou, Liang Chen,Junlang Chen*, Songwei Zeng*. Fullerene-intercalated graphene nanocontainers for gas storageand sustained release.J. Mol. Model.2020, 26, 166

[18] Songwei Zeng, Yu Ji, Yue Shen, Ruiyao Zhu, Xiaogang Wang, Liang Chen,Junlang Chen*. Molecular dynamics simulations of loading and unloading of drug molecule bortezomib on graphene nanosheets.RSC Adv.2020, 10, 8744

[19]Lingling Zhang, Fangfang Dai, Ruobing Yi, Zhenglin He, Zhikun Wang,Junlang Chen,Wei Liu, Jing Xu, Liang Chen*. Effect of physical and chemical structures of graphene oxide on waterpermeation in graphene oxide membranes.Appl. Surf. Sci.2020, 520, 146308

[20]Fangfang Dai, Risheng Yu, Ruobing Yi, Jian Lan, Rujie Yang, Zhikun Wang,Junlang Chen*, Liang Chen*.Ultrahigh water permeance of a reduced graphene oxide nanofiltration membrane formultivalent metal ion rejection.Chem. Commun.2020, 56(95): 15068-15071

[21] Rujie Yang#, Yan Fan#, Risheng Yu, Fangfang Dai, Jian Lan, Zhikun Wang,Junlang Chen*, Liang Chen*. Robust reduced graphene oxide membranes with high water permeance enhanced by K+modification.J. Membrane Sci.2021, 635, 119437

[22] Yu Ji#, Ruiyao Zhu#, Yue Shen#, Qiang Tan,Junlang Chen*. Comparison of loading and unloading of different small drugs on graphene and its oxide.J. Mol. Liq. 2021, 341, 117454

[23] Qiong Tan#,Yan Fan#, Zailing Song, Qiang Tan,Junlang Chen*,Liang Chen.Effects of interlayer spacing and oxidation degree of graphene oxidenanosheets on water permeation: a molecular dynamics study.J. Mol. Model. 2022, 28, 57

[24] Risheng Yu, Sen Liang, Yi Ru, Lu Li, Zhikun Wang,Junlang Chen*,Liang Chen*.A Facile Preparation of Multicolor Carbon Dots.Nanoscale Res. Lett. 2022, 17, 32

[25] Juan Yang#, Pei Li#, Zailing Song, Jie Li, Huan Yang, Yan Fan, Lu Li, Can Xu,Junlang Chen*,Liang Chen.Graphene quantum dots via ion modification for improving photoluminescence stability in aqueous solution with heavy metal ions.Appl. Surf. Sci. 2022, 593, 153367

[26]Zailing Song#, Yunlong Niu#,Juan Yang, Liang Chen,Junlang Chen*.Comparison of water desalination performance of porous graphene and MoS2 nanosheets.Rsc Advances.2022,12,27614

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