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Huicong Zhang

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Huicong Zhang,born in 1991, Doctor, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor.

He is currently engaged in the basic research on spatial nonlocal solitons, beam propagation and manipulation, mode-locked fiber lasers, etc., and mainly focuses on the propagation characteristic, stability, and the related application of novel beams in nonlocal media. Thus far, he has published more than 10 papers as the first author or corresponding author in international journals, such asLaser & Photonics Reviews,Optics Letters,Optics Express,Physical Review A,Optics Communications. He has been authorized one invention patent. He preside over theZhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, theScientific Research and Developed Fund of Zhejiang A&F University. He undertook teaching tasks of College Physics for undergraduates, Laser Optics and Front of Optics for postgraduates.

Study and work experience:

2021.05 - ,College of Optical,MechanicalandElectricalEngineering,Zhejiang A&F University,Associate Professor;

2021. 03 - 2021. 05,College of Optical,MechanicalandElectricalEngineering,Zhejiang A&F University,Lecturer;

2016. 09 - 2020. 12, School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, South China Normal University, PhD.

Representative papers:

1.Guo Liang*,Huicong Zhang*, Lei Fang, Qian Shou, Wei Hu, and Qi Guo. Influence of transverse cross-phases on propagations of optical beams in linear and nonlinear regimes,Laser Photon. Rev.,14(12):2000141 (2020).

2.Huicong Zhang*, Tao Zhou, Qian Shou, and Qi Guo*. Optical elliptic breathers in isotropic nonlocal nonlinear media,Opt. Express, 30(6): 9336-9347 (2022).

3.Huicong Zhang, Manna Chen, Ling Yang, Bo Tian, Chengjie Chen, Qi Guo, Qian Shou, and Wei Hu. Higher-charge vortex solitons and vector vortex solitons in strongly nonlocal media,Opt. Lett., 44(12):3098-3101 (2019).

4.Huicong Zhang, Zhiwei Weng, Qian Shou, Qi Guo, and Wei Hu.Instability suppression of vector vortex solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media,Phys. Rev. A, 101(3): 033842 (2020).

5.Huicong Zhang*, Tao Zhou, and Chaoqing Dai*. Stabilization of higher-order vortex solitons by means of nonlocal nonlinearity,Phys. Rev. A, 105(1): 013520 (2022).

6.Huicong Zhang*, Zhiwei Weng, and Jie Yuan.Vector vortex breathers in thermal nonlocal media,Opt. Commun., 492: 126978 (2021).

7.Huicong Zhang*, Zhiwei Weng, and Jie Yuan.Stabilization of vector vortex beams in thermal nonlinear media,Optik, 238: 166686 (2021).

8.Jiajie Fang, Dasheng Mou, Yueyue Wang,Huicong Zhang*, Chaoqing Dai*, and Yixiang Chen. Soliton dynamics based on exact solutions of conformable fractional discrete complex cubic Ginzburg-Landau equation,Results Phys., 20: 103710 (2021).

9.Jiajie Fang, Dasheng Mou,Huicong Zhang*, and Yueyue Wang*. Discrete fractional soliton dynamics of the fractional Ablowitz-Ladik model,Optik, 228: 166186 (2021).

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