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Xiangjun Zhao

Time:Dec 16, 10:29    Click:

Xiangjun Zhao graduated from Zhejiang A&F University, and therehe obtainedhismaster’s degree inAgriculturalMachineryAutomationin 2013.Now,heis alab master and aseniortechnician,andhismajorresearch fields include biomass energy andautomobile application. Hehas undertakenengineering trainingrelated courses.Heparticipated in a number of provincial-levelprojects.Hehasbeen authorized2invention patents.Hehas published more than10 papers, of which more than1wasincluded in SCIand 2 were included in EI, and participated in the compilation of 2 textbooks.

His representative papers are as follows:

[1]Zhao Xiangjun, Li Cong, Peng Hehuan, Zhao Chao, Ma Zhongqing. Mechanism on effect of liquid ammonia and hydrogen peroxide pretreatment on rice straw enzymatic hydrolysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(10):221-226.

[2]Liu Jianjun, Peng Hehuan,Zhao Xiangjun, et al. Optimization of liquid ammonia treatment (LAT) parameters for enzymatic hydrolysis of Saccharum arundinaceum to fermentable sugars[J]. Chin J Biotech, 2013, 29(3): 333-341.

[3]Zhao Xiangjun,Zhang Peipei.Path tracking of intelligent tractor based on MPC[J].Anhui Agric.Sci.2021,49(19):191-194

[4]Zhao Xiangjun,Zhang Peipei, Peng Zhanglin, et al. Vehicle coasting test and determination od coasting resistance coefficient[J]. Automobile Applied Technology, 2013,(3):24-26.

[5]Zhang Pei-pei,Zhao Xiang-jun, Yao Li-jian, et al. Research on active-suspension system with hydraulic actuator based on fuzzy-impedance control[J]. Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition) , 2015, 40(5):1109-1116.

[6]Zhang Peipei, Yang Zidong,Zhao Xiangjun. Kinematic Model and Tracking Control for Tractor with a trailed implement [J]. Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization,2021, 42 (4):128-133.

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